5 Simple Tips For Beginners To Create A Travel Video

  • Jul 22, 2024
  • Reading time: 8 mins read
  • By Arunima

Traveling is a hobby for some, a passion for many, and now even a profession for several people across the world. Capturing beautiful moments in the form of pictures and videos has become a fad.

Creating travel videos will always remind you of the beautiful moments of your life, the wonderful places you visited, and the exquisite culture you experienced. Posting travel videos on social media channels and YouTube will help you grow your account and will invite more subscribers and viewers who can experience your journey with you.

Before you start making your travel videos, you must assess the following:

  • What is the core objective?
  • Who is your target audience?
  • Do you want to make a fun video, memorabilia, or documentary?

So, when you have done your homework and research well, you are ready to make your stunning travel captures and share them with the world.

5 Tips to Create Amazing Travel Videos

It is a misconception that making travel videos is an expensive job. It is like creating any other video for your digital channels, and you simply need very basic equipment to channel your experiences.

When planning to create a travel video, do some preparations and jot down some of the important points, like:

  • Do you have a storyboard that you want to highlight?
  • Do you have the appropriate resources to record and store your video footage?
  • Do you have access to a video editor to help you edit clips of your travel videos?
  • How long should the video be?

Moving further, below are some tips that can help you while shooting your travel vlog. Follow these brilliant tips to make stunning travel videos and share them with your viewers on multiple channels:

Tip 1 – Purpose of Travel Video

Watch lots of travel videos of top vloggers and gain some experience learning from the experts how it’s done properly. Prepare your camera settings before traveling and be better equipped with gadgets for adventure traveling

Create a story after doing some careful planning and extensive research, and revolve your video shooting around the storyboard. Travel is spontaneous, so sometimes, scripts don’t work – just get the right captures, and retain whatever fascinates your mind and soul.

Tip 2 – Pay Attention to the Key Requirements

The first things you need to keep in mind when creating travel videos are – to keep them short and crisp – and to have an attractive Intro and Outro. It is the first few seconds that decide whether a user will stick around till the end, or just swipe up. Get your audience to watch your videos to the end.

You should also pay slight attention to creating captivating thumbnails and titles. You can have the most amazing footage in the world, but what’s the point if the viewer doesn’t realize it’s there?

Capture the beauty of places and nature with a warm, soft, directional light. Pay attention to the hardware and software you will be using – you cannot carry heavy equipment while you are traveling, so stick to the basic minimum and shoot professionally.

Tip 3 – Emphasize on Shots

Shoot smarter! There will always be an urge to shoot everything and keep the captures for the reveal, but when you edit, you must cut out the fluff and keep only what is relevant. Travel videos come in a variety of formats, from regular Vlogs to revealing different tourist attractions, creating tales of adventure, or just capturing the beautiful interactions you have with the local people there.

Follow these tips while shooting travel videos:

  • Focus on capturing video early in the morning or around sunset, when light is at its best.
  • Take a look at the types of recordings and video clips you collect while traveling.
  • You can use static footage or gimbal footage to make your video more attractive. You can even consider still tripod shots, wide-angle shots, detailed shots, candid moments, vivid action broadcasts, and time-lapses, and even edit them with an online video editor.
  • Use the slow-motion feature of your camera while recording to highlight a specific moment. Or you could create a time-lapse and convert a 2-minute video into a 10-second capture.
  • Create clips and cuts that may be organized chronologically and labeled with a story arc. Organize related photos into mini-scenes.
  • Personalize your travel videos to instantly connect with your audience. It should sound natural. Be yourself, use natural body language and tone of voice, and remember to be friendly and unpretentious.

Tip 4 – Edit Your Travel Videos Well

Edit videos professionally using an effective and easy video editor. Create magical compilations of small clips and start the editing process. Here are some tips that will help you:

  • Combining recordings in meaningful ways. You must sequence all the shots properly, considering how your clips connect and work together to tell your audience a story.
  • Trim and crop whatever is not required. 
  • Pay attention to the right sounds, colors, graphics, and subtitles.
  • Add animations, text, graphics, and transitions wherever required.
  • Music is a huge driving force that brings the audience to the pace and excitement throughout the video. Your video editor can get your copyright-free and royalty-free music for the intro or for showing the transition scenes. Add appropriate transitions according to the beat of your music of choice.
  • Keep it short with time frames. No matter how great your travel footage is, viewers get bored after a minute or so.
  • Focus on the location, not on your experience –  Instead of shooting a video of every party you throw in a country, shoot more of the local people, architecture and history and weave it all together to tell a unique and compelling story that people can relate to.
  • When doing commercial work, you must obtain permission from the people you include in your videos, especially when it comes to restoring their life stories, home, or lifestyle. Permission must be obtained to avoid any kind of legal issue and to ensure safety.

Tip 5 – Post It on Multiple Channels

 It is advised that you store the video in at least two locations, depending on its size. After the editing process, upload the travel video on multiple platforms. Once you’ve finished your vacation video, share it with your audience by publishing it to your YouTube channel, social media channels, websites, or other travel sites.

Before you post your travel videos, you must consider the following:

  • Make sure the title and description of your travel videos are SEO-enriched. Use relevant keywords and add them to the text.
  • Use appropriate hashtags, tags, and thumbnails while posting.
  • Add a strong CTA to your postings.
  • Posting isn’t enough; you must follow up on the comments, likes, and shares you receive from your audience; whether they have questions about the location, cuisine, or your experience, you have to respond to them quickly which will let them keep coming back to your page.

This is a fulfilling practice, and making travel videos will become a regular feature for you.


We hope this guide helps in resolving the mystery of making travel videos. Travel is all about having fun, experiencing leisure, pleasures, and luxury, and adding a new dimension and meaning to life. 

So, making such travel videos for your audience will also do you good when you want to look back upon sweet memories and smile at the wonderful familiarities and adventures of life. So be creative, be motivated, and use these tips to create mind-blowing travel videos and share them with the world.

Frequently Asked Questions
Which camera should I use to shoot a travel blog?

If you start as a beginner using a smartphone camera would be just fine. Nowadays many smartphones capture excellent-quality of video and images, and after getting positive feedback you can shift to DSLR cameras.

Can I self-learn video editing?

Yes, it is possible to learn to edit videos on your own. Various YouTube videos will guide you through various editing software.

Is there a job opportunity in video editing?

Of course, there is a job opportunity in video editing. Many companies and big YouTubers hire professional video editors and pay them quite well.

How to make your travel vlog go viral?

It’s not easy to make your travel vlog go viral unless it has something really amazing or something controversial. Try to cover hidden gems or food of the city, chances are people will search for that more.


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