3 Great Vacation Activities That Are Actually Fun

  • Sep 3, 2024
  • Reading time: 5 mins read
  • By Arunima
fun activities to enjoy on your vacation

With summer vacations almost around the corner, it’s time to start planning your vacation. 

We all need a break from working hard, and this is your time to have a little fun and excitement. 

But, years of doing the same thing during your vacations can feel a little bit repetitive.

There are only so many times you can go to Las Vegas or Hawaii before it starts to get old. 

The good news is that there are a lot of undiscovered treats awaiting you and your family. 

In this article, we will look at three vacation activities that offer you unique experiences that won’t stay with you forever. Let’s dive in. 

Hot Air Balloon Rides

summer vacations almost around the corner

It’s honestly surprising that hot-air balloons don’t get the recognition they deserve. 

Hot-air balloon trips make for some of the most beautiful experiences you can ever have. 

They feel a lot more comfy than paragliding and similar activities, and the best part? You can share the moment with your loved ones right next to you.  

And yes, you will need to double-check the hot air balloon basket size before you bring along a large group. 

The last thing you need is to book a balloon for fifteen people only to find that there’s only space for four. 

According to Napa Valley Balloons, “Round Baskets” are the smallest and only fit about two to six people. 

The partitioned baskets are a little bigger, holding six to sixteen people. If you want to bring in the whole gang, take the “Double T” basket, which can fit up to 20 people. 

Regardless of which size you take, the panoramic views can be stunning (depending on the location, of course). 

There’s also something rustic about the fact that you are entrusting your journey to the winds. 

Balloons don’t have any form of steering besides adjusting elevation. 

This means the journey of each balloon is different and unique.  

In 1961, Ed Yost invented modern hot air ballooning at Raven Industries, using nylon fabric and a controlled propane burner.

Long-Distance Zipline Trips

Ziplines used to be something we all loved thinking about as kids. 

Most of us have dreamt about a treehouse with a zip line all the way down to the back door, but it stayed a dream. 

Thankfully, you can experience ziplines even as an adult, and they are just as cool as the childhood self you’ve imagined them to be. 

Can you guess how long the longest zipline is? 

It’s probably longer than you think! Located in the mountains of the UAE, the longest zipline in the world stretches for 7,234 feet. 

That’s more than thirty football fields lined up, one after the other. 

Known as the “Jebel Jais Flight,” you can reach speeds of up to 93 miles an hour on it.    

If the UAE sounds too far away from home, don’t worry. There are several great options within the country as well.  

The CataMonster zipline in the Berkshire/Taconic Mountains is the longest one in America. 

Zip across a 5,523-foot-long journey with beautiful views of the Massachusetts/New York border.

Like hot air balloons, ziplines can be a little scary for people who are afraid of heights. 

Note that ziplines may not be ideal for pregnant women and young children, but they’re certainly loads of fun for everyone else! 

Spelunking Tours

Also known as cave tours, this can be a fascinating experience for a lot of people. 

The feeling of awe you get when exploring the vast structures underground is truly remarkable. 

Guided tours are probably the safest bet and will offer you context that you might otherwise not have. 

Underground rivers, rock formations, and the classic stalactite and stalagmites are sights that every eye should witness at least once in their lives. 

The beauty of spelunking is that there are different levels of difficulty. 

Be sure to look into both vertical and horizontal difficulty. 

Some caves can be easy to navigate horizontally, but they will have tricky paths that require you to climb through tight spaces.

If you want a relaxed, pleasant trip, it’s probably a good idea to choose something that won’t have you worried about creating another nutty putty situation.

In conclusion, as you can see, vacation activities really don’t have to be boring. 

Sure, it’s always fun to relax on a beach, drink mojitos, and enjoy the sun, but a little variety is always nice.

Sprinkling any of the activities listed in this article into your vacation will make for some awesome experiences. 

Just keep in mind to take enough photos and videos to make the memories forever! 

Also Read: Top 5 Tips to Ensure Your Dog’s First Vacation


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