What to Do If You’ve Been Injured in a Car Accident

  • Apr 3, 2024
  • Reading time: 4 mins read
  • By Writing

Every year, there are over 6 million passenger vehicle accidents in the United States. This breaks down to over 19,000 crashes every single day. While most of them are not fatal, many of them do involve people getting hurt.

If you have been injured in a car accident, you might find that you are not sure how to proceed. If you are out of town, you might be wondering what to do if you get injured in a car wreck while traveling. You might not be aware of state laws specific to auto accidents and how to go about filing personal injury claims.

That’s where a personal injury lawyer can step in and help. Hiring a lawyer is not only a great way to learn how to navigate the legal system but can assist you in getting the maximum amount of compensation in the least amount of time possible.

Contact Law Enforcement Officials

In some states – such as Michigan – you need to file a police report if someone was injured or killed or if the vehicle’s damage tops $1,000. The police report will reflect statements from those involved, accident info, and insurance details.

Your auto insurance policy might also require you to file the police report within a specific timeframe to issue a claim. This is common with underinsured and uninsured motorist coverage.

Get Medical Assistance and Document All of Your Injuries

Do not refuse medical assistance. Get immediate treatment, even if you only see a few bumps and bruises. A lot of injuries seem minor at first but can worsen over time, becoming what are called delayed injuries. These symptoms need to be documented so you can prove they were caused by the accident.

Be sure to alert your doctor of any new symptoms that develop. This way, your treatment plans can be tweaked, and your continued care documented.

Do Not Sign Releases or Give Statements

Refrain from giving auto insurance claims adjusters any statements, and avoid signing any releases that they send you until you clear them with your personal injury attorney. Also, do not let the insurance adjuster look at your vehicle’s damage without your attorney there as well. Claims adjusters like to minimize victims’ injuries by getting recorded statements before you can even hire a lawyer.

Claims adjusters will try to catch you off your guard right after your accident, while you are still processing your shock. If there is not a lot of vehicle damage, the adjuster might try to claim no one could’ve been seriously injured. Their settlement tactics can be shady, and you might not get the compensation you deserve if you don’t have your lawyer present to deal with adjusters.

Get Your Evidence Together

If you live in a state where there is no-fault auto insurance, you’ll need to file a special no-fault benefits application. After that, start getting your evidence together. In Michigan, for example, you have one year from the date of your accident to file for no-fault benefits, but you should file straight away so you can focus on your recovery – and on getting your documental ducks in a row.

Make sure to get a copy of the police report, and go to every single medical appointment. Continuing your treatment is important for recovery, plus these documents can show the extent of your injuries.

Be sure to document your prescriptions, over-the-counter (OTC) medications, imaging (such as x-rays and CT scans), and lab services. Write a pain journal entry each day, and include information about your emotional duress as well as physical symptoms. And don’t forget to get photographs of all of your injuries right after the accident – that is, if you are able. Keep copies of all medical bills on hand.

Hire a Personal Injury Attorney

As you can see, personal injury cases can become muddled and contentious with at-fault parties and claims adjusters often minimizing your pain and suffering. Hiring a personal injury attorney can help you get the compensation you are owed for your damages. Insurance companies typically take you more seriously if you have an attorney and will expedite the claims process more readily.

Don’t put off getting legal help for your personal injury claim. If you have been hurt in a car accident in which someone else was at fault, you have grounds for a personal injury case. Getting a skilled personal injury lawyer on your side can help you win that case and get your life back on track.

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