How to Have the Best Oktoberfest Ever


There are beer festivals all over the world. They are one of the most awaited events annually because of the perks that you can enjoy. Apart from drinking mugs of beer, Munich’s Oktoberfest has a lot more to offer. It is essential to read about the experiences of other tourists to get ideas on how you can enjoy the event as well, though it is different for everyone. Try to meet new people, eat local food, and shop for souvenirs you can take home. 

It can be hard to plan an Oktoberfest trip alone. Well, the tour providers will set everything in place for you. Each year, a lot of new activities are added to Oktoberfest, which is designed for people of all ages. 

Here are some tips to guarantee delight in your Munich stay for the first time:

Have Budget in Mind

Everyone is welcome to attend Oktoberfest. However, the amount of beer and food you consume during the festival may have an impact on your budget. To keep the party going, ensure to bring extra money and get out of the city to try new things

Book Your Hotel Earlier 

The best way to enjoy Oktoberfest is with the right accommodation. Select a hotel located close to the city not to miss out on every activity. Securing your spots during the festival must be the priority, like a beer tent.

Learn the Language 

Surely, you will meet local folks during the festival. It is crucial to understand their language to easily make friends with them. 

Munich people also say “cheers!” differently which you need to learn as well. This is to establish a better relationship with the locals.

Be with a Group 

Oktoberfest will be so much fun when you spend it with a bunch of people. You will encounter various cultures that you can treasure even after the festival. This is a great tip if you are a solo traveler to make the most out of your Oktoberfest experience.

Oktoberfest Activities That You Might Like 

Now that you have an idea of how to enjoy Oktoberfest, you need to know a set of activities you should not miss. These include: 

Drink Beer

The drinking of beer is the main event at Oktoberfest, making it the most popular festival in the world. Because Munich beer is believed to have a potent formula, many visitors became inebriated. This means you can expect messy and loud surroundings but still have the best time of your life. 

Find a tent and toast with some strong beer with the other visitors. However,  there will be wine stations for not-so-heavy drinkers. 

Meeting New Friends 

After the festival, leaving Munich is difficult due to its welcoming people. You will have a lot of meaningful conversations that you will remember for a long time with amazing locals.

Be careful not to overindulge in beer; instead, make new friends. Visitors who made friends during Oktoberfest are better off than those who spend time drinking beer. 

Listen to Good Music 

Many artists will perform on stage to entertain the audience. Holding a beer and dancing to the music is a great experience. One of the festival’s highlights is night parties, making it ideal for extroverts who love to get along with new people. They will be able to sing their lungs out with other visitors. Choose the best spot so you do not miss anything on the show.

Enjoy Amusement Rides 

You can also spend time with family at Oktoberfest. Numerous kid-friendly rides and attractions can be found across Munich. Better take your loved ones to a specific area on Tuesdays when the rides are so cheap between the hours of 12 and 6 p.m. Those present must not be alcoholics to avoid mess around the area. 

Get Yourself Some German Foods

There is more to Oktoberfest than just drinking beer. Excessive drinking causes the majority of visitors to miss out on the best foods in Munich. To tell you the truth, German dishes like sausages, dumplings, roast chicken, and the well-known Bavarian pretzels are all delicious. There are also stalls that sell meat to complete your meal for a day. Some travelers might even bring home such local delicacies.   

Dress Up!

Visitors to Munich can also dress in some of the most authentic outfits during Oktoberfest. If you do not want to feel left out because most of the people there are dressed in traditional attire, you should join them. Dirndls and Lederhosen, for example, will be available at discounted prices at a few stores. They can also be purchased online, but you won’t be able to try them on to ensure that they fit you well.

Dressing in traditional outfits may enhance your experience at the festival. You will be glad you spent every penny in Munich when you feel like you belong among the locals.

Final Thoughts 

Oktoberfest is a wonderful event for heavy drinkers. There are many other things to enjoy other than beer drinking. If you decide to take part in every activity that interests you, you will undoubtedly return to Munich sooner or later.


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