How to Connect Specific Medical Conditions and Traveling


Those who suffer from chronic, life-long, and above all specific medical conditions know how difficult it is to travel. There’s constant worry about any potential issues that might arise while one is away from home. So, if you have been dealing with specific health conditions, then it’s important to be properly informed about it, so you’ll be able to travel freely if you’re able of course. 


Unfortunately, epilepsy can affect people of all ages, and it’s often a life-long condition that can severely impact your life. There are specific medications that you must take, prescribed by your neurologist. If you’re traveling by car, be sure to take frequent breaks, and stay away from driving, of course. Flying is generally safe, as well as a train or a bus, but it’s advisable to always have a companion by your side who is familiar with your condition.

Motion Sickness

This is commonly triggered by the vibration of a moving vehicle, whether it’s a car, a train, or a bus. If you’re also anxious, tired, or hungry, then you’re likely to experience symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, vomiting, and sweating. In this case, preventive measures such as hydration, light food intake, and taking medication can be helpful. Also, stay away from consuming alcohol, cigarettes, and greasy foods before the trip. If you’re planning a long road trip throughout Europe or the USA, then be sure to take frequent breaks, in order to reduce the chances of motion sickness.

Jet Lag (Sleeping Disturbance) 

Feeling jet lagged is a common travel medical condition that affects frequent travelers that hop in between time zones. Aside from being unable to sleep, other symptoms are often headache, irritability, and issues with concentrating. Adjusting your sleep a day or two before the trip can help this. Short-term sedatives such as sleeping pills can help, however, it’s better to opt for melatonin supplements as they regulate the melatonin hormone, which is responsible for a healthy sleep cycle. 

Kidney Problems

Kidney-related problems can be limiting and also life-threatening if you’re traveling unprepared. End-stage renal diseases require special attention, so if you’re traveling around the Iberian peninsula, then check out the best dialysis centers in Portugal and Spain. Kidney failure is a serious health condition that can have fatal consequences if not treated properly, so if you’re about to travel with any kidney condition, then check out nearby clinics and hospitals that offer immediate care in case of an emergency. 


Minor Injuries 

Injuries such as a sprained ankle are common during traveling. Also, if you tend to carry heavy luggage, then it’s likely you’ll experience some minor shoulder injury or discomfort. 

The easiest way to evade such injuries is to be mindful of your surroundings, especially while sightseeing. Also, wearing appropriate shoes, using handrails, and removing sunglasses when necessary can help you be more stable and see things better. 


Getting sick while traveling is terrible, but if it happens, then it’s important to treat the symptoms before they get worse. Influenza, or flu, is a viral infection of the respiratory system, and it is common among those who travel internationally. Dressing appropriately according to the weather and a yearly influenza vaccine can help lower the chances of getting the flu. 

Traveler’s Diarrhea 

Getting diarrhea while on a trip can be exhausting and uncomfortable, especially if you’re traveling to a different climate, let’s say from Ireland to Egypt. So if you are prone to it when traveling, then be sure to take safety measures. Use bottled water, even for teeth brushing, avoid ice, wash hands often and eat properly prepared foods, preferably heated to steaming temperatures. Also, taking probiotics a few days prior to the trip can help reduce the chances of travelers’ diarrhea. 


Anxiety happens often to those who travel. Some might have a fear of flying, while others can have issues with confined spaces. Long-haul flights, for example, from Sydney to London, can trigger anxiety. Breathing problems, jitters, chest pain, and muscle spasms are all common symptoms of traveler’s anxiety. Having a trusted companion and taking a sedative prior to the trip can alleviate the issue. 

These are common, yet specific medical issues that can affect anyone who’s traveling. So proper travel health insurance and taking precautions can help you relax and lower the chances of getting ill while you travel.

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